R 系列 (AD/DA) I/O 機櫃

R 系列 I/O 裝置能具有如 Dante 功能裝置一樣的功能,如 NEXO NXAMP 搭載 NXDT104 卡,就如同與 CL 系列混音座搭配一樣。不需經由電腦和 Dante Controller 軟體,可以直接從 CL 混音座來管理在 Rio I/O和 NXAMP 所發現需補強的地方。
Rio3224-D 可處理舞台側 I/O,而 Ri8-D 單元可作為舞台和混音座位置的可攜式輸入機架。Ro8-D 位於大廳或劇院的放大室中,為系統的功率放大器提供音訊。
與 PM5D 混音座配合使用,可進行 96 kHz 操作

Rio Series I/O units can be used with a PM5D console and DME64N digital mixing engine to create a 96 kHz system. Rio input signals are mixed at the PM5D, and then returned to the Rio units after processing via the DME64N. Even relatively complex routing like this can be easily managed via simple physical cabling and virtual patching via the Dante Controller software.
* The PM5D and DME64N must be equipped with the Audinate Dante-MY16-AUD interface card.
* The Dante Controller software is required to set up to allow Rio Series head amplifier control from the PM5D console.