MY8-LAKE喇叭信號處理卡 Lake Processing Card
Affordable Lake Processing for Any Live Sound Application
Lake Processing has become the de-facto standard for speaker processing in live sound applications. The MY8-LAKE is a DSP card for Yamaha digital mixing consoles, developed through close technological cooperation between Yamaha and Lake. The full power of Mesa EQ, Ideal Graphic EQ, and Linear Phase Crossover functions are packed into one compact card, providing immense processing capability and precise, intuitive control right at your fingertips.
Notice: When using MY8-LAKE with the PM5D/PM5D-RH, a hardware upgrade for the PM5D/PM5D-RH is necessary. Please note that a fee will be charged for this upgrade. For details, contact your Yamaha dealer.
MY8-LAKE喇叭信號處理卡 Lake Processing Card
可設定之 Lake 喇叭信號處理卡
- 8-in/8-out Mesa mode (system EQ), 4-in/12-out Contour mode (crossover), or a combination of both for versatile processing.
- 96 kHz internal processing, supporting 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, and 88.2 kHz sample rates.
- Compatible with Smaart sound system measurement software for efficient, effective speaker tuning.
- Flexible system setup via Yamaha digital mixer insert points and MY8-LAKE card AES/EBU connectors.
- Lake Controller software application allows comprehensive overall management of all Lake devices in the system.
- Over 1,000 speaker presets included for fast, accurate tuning with a wide range of systems.
※ Regarding Nexo speaker presets
The Nexo presets included in Lake Controller preset library cannot be used with MY8-LAKE since Nexo loudspeakers are intended to be used only with Nexo TD Controlers.
About Lake Processing
Lake Processing:在輸出管理中無庸置疑的領導者

Lake Processing 技術始於 90 年代晚期,可以優化現場聲音音質。Mesa EQ 具有非對稱響應曲線之特性,Ideal Graphic EQ 則具有最小的跨頻干擾特性,Linear Phase Crossover 具有允許陡波而不會破壞相位的特性:這些都是 Lake Processing 的一些特性,可以輕易地在所應用的領域供理想的聲音性能,來自各製造商所製作的喇叭都有各別聲音差異的特性。即使在準備現場表演的壓力下,Lake Controller 使用者在介面方面也可輕鬆與有效地進行操作。
小型外觀尺寸的 MY8-LAKE 掩飾了具有出色處理能力的特性。在 Mesa Mode 下可以進行 8 進 8 出的處理,而 Contour Mode 提供 4 進/ 12 出* 2的能力。例如,在 Mesa Mode 下,MY8-LAKE 為系統 EQ 提供主混音或頻道 EQ 在聲音上的處理。Contour Mode 在較高檔的喇叭系統提供最佳的分音處理,無需再經由外部分音和等化器裝置。Mesa 和 Contour Mode 也可以結合在一起,使 MY8-LAKE 能夠靈活地適用於各種領域的應用。
*1 同等於2組Lake LM44裝置 *2同等於2組Lake LM26裝置
MY8-LAKE 讓 Lake Processing 比以往更容易使用
MY8-LAKE 將業界標準的 Lake Processing 輸出管理工具融入至一張小型和使用便利的擴充卡中。只需將 MY8-LAKE 安裝到能相容於 Yamaha 數位混音座當中,您就可以有強大的輸出管理功能以及輸入等化之功能,從而將您的數位混音座的功能發揮到極致。由於不需要額外的接線或機架設施,因此不會造成其他空間或時間成本的負擔。MY8-LAKE 可以讓進階版的 Lake processing 變得簡易方便。