自2000年發佈SLB100以來,Yamaha不斷致力研發滿足各種使用者需求的Silent Bass™型號,並奠定了Yamaha Silent Bass作為靜音低音提琴的領導品牌地位。
SLB300提供猶如傳統低音提琴般的逼真低音音色,並提供演奏的便利性,再加上無可比擬的 SILENT Bass™功能,這款跨時代的型號將帶領 SILENT Bass™系列邁向更多的樂手和聽眾。
The ultimate SILENT Bass™ - SLB300PRO
The ultimate SILENT Bass™ - SLB300PRO
Building on the high level of quality achieved in the SLB300, this model offers tone that is remarkably close to acoustic bass plus even further refined playability. With appearance, specifications, and performance that befit the high-end jazz scene, the SLB300PRO goes beyond the standard definition of electric upright bass with unlimited musical potential.