CVP700系列所使用的鋼琴音色是Yamaha的CFX以及Bösendorfer Imperial。這兩台都是當今世上最頂級的演奏型平台鋼琴。 CFX-是2010蕭邦鋼琴大賽中冠軍優勝者所指定的Yamaha頂級演奏型平台鋼琴。 Bösendorfer Imperial -是出自擁有長久歷史並獲得鋼琴家們極高評價的貝森朵夫所製作的手工鋼琴。
這兩台享譽盛名的平台鋼琴各自具備著充滿生命力、細膩無比、清脆明亮、溫和平穩的琴音。 這兩台極致的琴音現在都搭載在Clavinova上。音調在具備豐富經驗的鋼琴技術人員各自獨立採樣下,呈現完美的準確度。讓Clavinova真實的獲得了這兩台獨特出眾的樂器音色。
在Clavinova上,你能夠享受著眾所關注擁有極致美麗音色的CFX和Bösendorfer Imperial的無限魅力。
透過模擬共鳴系統能夠完美的將這樣的回響效果重製在Clavinova上,清楚運算出88個音符在鍵盤上從一個音迅速到下一個音大量的琴弦發聲情況。能夠調配出鮮艷,富有多變的共鳴表達,這也能毫無限制的反應出許多演奏上的真實細節。諸如在大量音域的鍵盤按壓上,回響強度能夠完美配合在演奏及踏板的動態演奏上。 (示意圖顯示共鳴如何在平台鋼琴上作用,VRM系統就是以這樣的概念作共鳴的效果模擬。)
Clavinova 除了獨奏更能夠挑選適合的曲風樂團,豐富您的演出
![Clavinova 除了獨奏更能夠挑選適合的曲風樂團,豐富您的演出](/zh/files/48232_21_1_240x239_c3c647fd44f171f04623f0dae8264f67.jpg)
Piano Room 除了能夠使用最頂級的Yamaha CFX和Bösendorfer Imperial的音色外,在整體環境音場上也能夠選擇您要的效果,若您想開一場個人大型演奏會,立刻就能夠讓音場環境改變,讓您享受演奏會的臨場感。當然您也可以選擇其他的鋼琴音色、甚至電鋼琴音色來演奏您的歌曲。另外Piano Room也準備了40多種不同的曲風樂團搭配,讓您在彈奏中,能自動感應您的彈奏和弦,做即時的樂團風格伴奏,擁有更自然更豐富的歌曲表現,而CVP清楚的螢幕也能讓您很簡單快速的作任何調整,以及相當方便的錄下您的演奏。
All you need to know is the song. The Clavinova does the rest.
Music Finder is great when you are looking for just the right Style or Voice combinations so YOU can perform a particular song. Simply choose the name of the song you want to play from the Music Finder list and the CVP will call up the proper settings so you can get playing right away. These settings were created by professional musicians from around the world specializing in particular genres of music.
Can't remember the name of a song? No problem. Just play!
The Style Recommender is an intelligent function that allows you to find a Style that suits the type of music you feel like playing. You don't even need to know the name of the song; the rythmic feel alone will do. Just play a bar or two of a simple rhythm or piano tune and a list of Styles that match your playing will instantly be displayed.
將樂器連接麥克風,您可以隨著您的演奏一同歌唱。 您可以為自己的創作,或是朋友的演出來伴奏。
If you want it to, the Clavinova will even talk to you!
![If you want it to, the Clavinova will even talk to you!](/zh/files/48822_21_1_240x210_2ed17982cc705f39eda127c977b7b676.jpg)
When Voice Guide is active, the Clavinova speaks information from the current display or operation being executed. This allows those who have visual impairments to enjoy playing and using the instrument.
*When using Voice Guide, make sure that the USB flash memory containing the Voice Guide files is connected to the instrument.
*The audible information of the functions/screen supported by the Voice Guide is limited.
Customize the control panel as you like.
You decide what functions appear on the touch screen and which are assigned to special panel buttons.
- Bookmarks for your favorite Voices and Styles in one convenient button
- Shortcuts on the Home display for your most used "apps" from the MENU display
- Assign your most used functions to the ASSIGNABLE buttons on the panel.
使用USB Audio功能錄製您個人的演出
![使用USB Audio功能錄製您個人的演出](/zh/files/48238_21_1_240x130_51e3b110a7a8338655a74d0118cd6999.jpg)
USB Audio錄製功能*可以將您的演出錄製在USB隨身碟中,並儲存至個人電腦上。如此一來,您即可透過比較兩個不同的演出內容來判別您的進步狀況。此外,您還可以在可攜式音樂播放機上聆賞您的演出。
* 儲存為WAV、MP3格式。
- 音高轉移:改變音高,但不改變速度。
- 時間延伸:放慢或加快速度,但不改變音高。
- 人聲消除:消除或抑制位於立體聲檔案裡,如人聲或是獨奏等的中聲道聲音。
Optimal tone at any volume level.
![Optimal tone at any volume level.](/zh/files/48239_21_1_240x150_9293878521a6f4302d6c396c3a9428af.jpg)
When playing in a home environment, people often enjoy the Clavinova at much less than full volume. However, the physics of sound at low volumes results in a loss of treble and bass. On a Clavinova, however, the Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC) automatically adjusts the sound so you enjoy proper excellent bass and treble sound balance even at low volumes. Additionally, the volume dial automatically makes fine adjustments to the overall sound of the speaker system (EQ) at low volume. This ability to adjust volume without losing the rich and balanced sound is an exclusive Yamaha benefit, ensuring you always play with the utmost sound quality.
透過無線連接iPad、iPhone或iPod touch,您可以享受更多Yamaha應用程式的樂趣。播放樂曲,或是更輕鬆的設定喜愛的音色及伴奏風格等。亦可錄製您的演奏並且與友人分享。現在就來試試,並找出符合您所需的應用程式吧!
- 某些應用程式需要連結至您的樂器。欲連結應用程式,您需要一個連接介面(如:Yamaha i-MX1)。
- 無線網路連接需要無線路由器及無線網路連接器。無線網路連接器是否附帶將視您的所在地而異。
Teach your iPad to play by ear.
Yamaha最新的和弦追蹤app(Chord Tracker)可以瞬間解析歌曲的和絃組成!
Yamaha和弦追蹤器app適用iPhone/iPod touch/iPad,透過分析儲存在iOS裝置的音頻樂曲,來幫助您進行練習與演奏,並於同時顯示出和弦符號供您參考。