Technology refined through the new interplay between the digital and
the acoustic; technology polished by the new relationship between the piano and the pianist.
We all wish to be enveloped in the sounds we play, yet find ourselves constrained by concerns for those around us. There are probably many, even among those who own grand pianos, who have wished they could play at a reduced volume from time to time. So it was that we felt there were two clear goals to achieve in the development of the AvantGrand. One was to create an instrument that mirrored the attraction of the grand piano as closely as possible. The other was to endow it with a responsive feel, without sacrificing the rich expression the grand piano offers when played with restraint. To realize these goals we examined everything down to the minutest detail in crafting the AvantGrand; from the keyboard and pedals that are the "gateway" to sound, to the sampling methods used, and the speaker system from which the sound exits, we left nothing overlooked.
Thanks to a specially designed grand-piano action and a wooden keyboard,
the AvantGrand truly becomes an extension of your body as you play.
The nuanced touch and response of the grand piano are an essential standard yardstick for piano quality. It offers the player a specially-developed grand piano action that features the same configuration as the action of a real grand. The hammers strike the "strings" from underneath, allowing minute adjustments to the weight distribution of the hammers, and to the movement of the hammers themselves, for a smoother feel when playing. In addition to a hammer sensor, this instrument employs a non-contact key sensor that has no effect on the movement of the keys, affording excellent recognition of the player's pressure on the keyboard, timing, and the other delicate nuances that affect musical expression. This combination provides an impressive sensitivity for the entire range from pianissimo through to fortissimo, and the ability to translate even the swiftest trills of the pianist with transparency. The wood construction of the keyboard mirrors that of the grand piano, and features New Ivory II on the white keys. This is a unique material developed by Yamaha, with a texture superbly close to that of natural ivory, allowing you to play swift passages with ease while also offering a sure response for slower pieces.
Avant Grand配備了平台鋼琴獨特而充滿彈奏技巧的踏板。獨特的踩踏感,讓您感受到既有層次而又充滿樂趣。琴手也能於踩放踏板的細微變化間,完美無暇的將情感注入在樂曲之中,讓樂曲最細微的橋段也能被表達的淋漓盡致。在發展Avant Grand的過程中,一開始便朝著與平台鋼琴踏板無異的目標前進。能夠隨心所欲的表現聲音 - 就連印象派的作品,也能輕易的透過半踩踏板的方式表現。
Avant Grand使用原音採樣技術,使得聲音可以順暢的傳到彈奏者的耳朵裡,其精緻的臨場感,就如同傳統的平台鋼琴一般。除了結合鋼琴豐富多變的音色,本樂器連最細微的聲音顫動都取錄了下來,透過共鳴板,將原音重現。Avand Grand的鋼琴原音,是採樣自Yamaha最頂級的演奏平台鋼琴CFIIIS,聲音血統純正完美無瑕。在最挑剔的調音師帶領下,Yamaha工程師重複不斷的汲取原音,直到完美。採樣時,分別在平台鋼琴的左側,右側,中央,以及後方等四個方位進行採樣。盡力將聲音最吸引人的原貌,完美的表達出來。
除了四聲道複合音響系統外,Avant Grand還配置了"平版型共鳴板",因此,在琴手彈奏的時候,如同傳統平台鋼琴般,將譜架平放,可使聲音最細微的部分透過共鳴板表現出來。另外,振動器可將聲音的振動,傳遞到平版型共鳴板,發出擬真的聲響效果,尤其在高音的部分,越加明顯。
殘響系統 (TRS)
傳統鋼琴的琴身,便是它的共鳴腔。低音的殘響更會源源不絕的傳達到琴手的身體。Avant Grand最新配備的殘響系統,即是模擬此而產生。該系統利用共鳴板及鍵盤底下兩個特殊的轉換器,將自然殘響傳遞到整個琴身。透過踏板的踩踏,琴手在鍵盤上的躍動就能轉換最自然的聲響,就如同傳統鋼琴一般。您可以自由選擇開啟與關閉此項功能,另外,顫音效果也有三種階段可供選擇。