YSP-2500 已停產
Yamaha’s 獨特環繞系統 – YSP –
YSP 技術透過數位訊號處理結合音響投射器中多支揚聲器組合及其自壁面反射之音訊,確實將左、右甚至後方音源寫實重現環繞音效。透過延展聆聽區域, 您可擁有以虛擬環繞方式無法獲得之超強、極自然的音效體驗。
The front unit of the YSP-2500 is equipped with 16 2.8 cm high sound quality array speakers which create beams of sound. It optimises the layout of its array speakers, boosting the reflection properties of the beams to maximise sound quality. And by having the subwoofer as a separate unit, it achieves a superior sense of sound orientation and powerful bass. The result is 7.1ch surround sound with incredibly high sound quality.

IntelliBeam 自動設定音場優化
The acoustic properties (size and shape of room, type of wall material), which differ according to the listening environment, are measured by a specialised microphone. The volume and sound quality of the YSP, and the angle of the beams, the focal lengths, route lengths and other fine adjustments matched to the listening point are automatically optimised. You can achieve the ideal listening environment by simple operations: just pushing buttons while following the screen instructions.

Highly Rigid Aluminium Chassis with Thick Aluminium Top Panel Ensures Clear and Rich Sound
The chassis of the front unit is made of aluminium, a highly rigid, non-magnetic material. The top is an aluminium panel that prevents unnecessary vibration and helps to ensure sound clarity. In addition, the internal structure has been precisely calculated and systematically arranged, optimising the layout of the speaker units and improving sound dispersion characteristics. The result is highly accurate, broadly spreading surround sound.

YSP-2500 有六種音束模式。您可選擇最適合您正在聆聽音樂的模式。其中包含 5 Beam+2(音束)模式,可忠實重現 7.1聲道;3Beam (音束),可擴散聆聽區域,適合多人聆聽音樂,或以立體聲 +3 Beam(音束)享受音樂 DVD。藉由使用 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER App 應用程式,您可微調音束角度及音量以獲得您所喜愛的音效。

支援HDMI 2.0 規格

YSP-2500 支援最新 HDMI版本,可傳輸 4K 50/60p 超高解析畫質。配置三個 HDMI輸入端子使您可各別使用單一連結線來連接三個不同的高畫質數位來源。3D 支援則可傳輸 3D影片。
Bluetooth 藍牙高音質無線串流音樂

使用智慧型手機或平板電腦,體驗YSP-2500 全環繞音訊,無線享受音樂。支援 aptX™ 音訊編碼,藍牙性能超前表現,無論音訊壓縮與否,均能擁有如以往接線音響一般完整音域質感。除此之外,藍牙待機模式的便利性亦使YSP-2500可自動開關機。
透過智慧型手機、平板電腦 輕鬆操作進階音質設定
The YSP-2500 is compatible with the free HOME THEATER CONTROLLER app for smartphones and tablets. Its easy-to-see and easy-to-use operating screen uses icons to let you easily perform a variety of operations including setting surround programmes or sound quality while watching your screen.

CINEMA DSP Technology Brings You the Sound Fields of Famous Concert Halls and Theatres.

Yamaha’s ultra-sophisticated CINEMA DSP technology creates thrillingly realistic soundscapes in any room. You can select 10 different programmes, including three Movie, three Music and four Entertainment programmes. CINEMA DSP programmes are created by recording actual sound field data in performance spaces around the world, then applying ultra- sophisticated digital processing techniques. Yamaha was the first and is still the leader in providing a truly realistic surround sound experience.
HD 音頻格式解碼

YSP-2500 支援 HD音訊,無論自藍光播放機或其它數位播放來源,均能確保您享有最高音質。
音樂經數位壓縮後如 MP3格式,頻率響應將減損。壓縮音樂增強功能可回復被壓縮數值,使您仍能享有最佳音質。
當您連結 CEC 相容的電視,YSP-2500 會與電視同步自動開關機,您可使用電視遙控器來操控音量。此外,對其它 CEC 相容的產品,也相對提供先進操作功能支援。

The subwoofer is an active type with two 10 cm woofer units and a 75W analogue amp. Its rigid body lowers unnecessary resonance. The circuit board has an ideal grounding pattern that ensures stable current supply. It reproduces rich and solid bass with superior stereo. And because there is no need to connect cables, setup and placement are faster and easier. It can be installed vertically or horizontally.
The front unit with stand is only 73 mm high. The super-low design means that if the stand is not used, the height is 51 mm, allowing placement in front of a TV without blocking the screen. It is also wall mountable with the optional SPM-K20.

電視遙控中繼功能, 可順利傳輸遙控器訊號

即便 YSP-2500 擋住電視的遙控器訊號接收位置,在 YSP-2500 背面的電視遙控中繼器,仍可傳輸訊號至電視使操作不受影響。
The top surface of the soundbar is made of one piece of aluminium with superior stiffness, high texture and a hairline finish, for a look that is stylish and imparts a strong feel of luxury. The sides have a mirror finish that harmonises beautifully with the TV. Available in either black and silver, so you can choose the colour that best matches your TV.
透過耳機享受虛擬 7.1聲道高音質環繞音效。不干擾他人即能以強力環繞音效完整享受影片或遊戲。
• Easy-to-see On Screen Menu viewable in 10 languages(English, Germany, French, Spanish, Italy, Swedish, Dutch, Turkish, Japanese and Chinese.)
• Memory function for recording up to three of your favourite settings
• ECO Mode for energy conservation
• Custom installation functions : Extended IR
• Optional accessory: SPM-K20 Wall Mount Bracket for wall mounting
• UniVolume maintains the same volume level
• Audio Delay for adjusting Lip-Sync (0-500 ms)