Zakhar Bron


Zakhar Bron

Bron was born in 1947 in Ural'sk in the former Soviet Union.He was a pupil of Igor Oistrakh at Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. While teaching at that conservatory and at music schools throughout Europe, he has educated such world-class, up-and-coming violin artists as Vadim Repin, Maxim Vengerov, Daishin Kashimoto, Tamaki Kawakubo, Sayaka Shoji and Mayuko Kamio. Mr. Bron currently is a professor at music colleges and conservatories in Cologne, Zurich and Madrid, and frequently serves as a judge at Tchaikovsky and Oistrakh international competitions. He is highly esteemed by students and instructors alike for his passionate style in which he draws out the capabilities of his students while demonstrating his play of violin. Mr. Bron also performs and has earned awards at such in international contests as the Queen Elisabeth Competition and the Wieniawski International Violin Competition.

There are numerous young musicians around the world unable to purchase high-end musical instruments and whose performances plateau due to the Capabilities of their instruments. Mr. Bron believes that collaborating with Yamaha in jointly developing affordably priced, high-quality violins for these young musicians will lead to the fulfillment of his mission as an instructor. His relationship with Yamaha began in 2002 based in part on this strong aspiration. Mr. Bron was involved in the joint development of the carbon bow "Bron Model" and provided a wealth of beneficial advice as a collaborating artist in the development of the finest violins. He has also made significant contributions to development by asking his own students to assess their own progress and development when using prototype instruments over long periods of time and by using Yamaha instruments in competitions for verifying comparative performance. Additionally, he has demonstrated his readiness to cooperate in sales promotions. In this way, Mr. Bron is truly one of the most essential artists for Yamaha violins.


Yamaha flagship violin with A.R.E. technology.

Chris Minh Doky

Chris Minh Doky

Chris Minh Doky是當代音樂中最有天賦的貝斯演奏者之一。這位音樂家因他所傳遞的熱情與天生的非凡技巧,深受多位低音提琴大師認可。Doky出生自一個丹麥哥本哈根的音樂家庭,他的父親給予許多鼓勵和教導,並在六歲時學習彈鋼琴。