MTX-MRX Editor V4.0.1 for Win10 and firmware V4.00 (Previous version)

  • This information applies when using MTX-MRX Editor V3.4.0 or before on Windows 10 OS build 1903 or later, a “The data transmission to MTX-MRX Editor went wrong.” message appears by selecting MTX, MRX, PGM1, MCP1, or DCP and clicking “Finish” on the “Device Configuration Wizard” dialog box. In addition, the DCP is not added to the configuration.
    To avoid this problem, first, select only processors such as MTX and MRX and complete the configuration by clicking the [Finish] button, and then reopen the “Device Configuration Wizard” dialog box to add MCP1, PGM1, MCP1, and DCP.
    Project files created with a previous version can be loaded correctly.
  • To update the firmware, please refer to the MTX/MRX system Firmware Update Guide.
  • When the firmware of the device will update without compatibility version of editor, ensure that the MTX/MRX system is synchronized and saved to MTX-MRX Editor as a project file before performing the firmware update in order to ensure that your project data is not lost, and then perform the firmware upgrade using the latest version of MTX-MRX Editor. Ensure that the device is initialized after the update, and then open the previously saved project file using the latest MTX-MRX Editor and re-synchronize to the updated devices.
  • When initializing Dante devices (MTX5-D, MRX7-D, PGM1 and Dante model of XMV), ensure that all other Dante devices on the network are disconnected or powered off. Otherwise initialization could take longer than necessary.
  • To prevent damage to the SD memory card as well as loss of data, do not remove or insert the SD memory card while the device is on.
  • Although MTX-MRX Editor shows 'Completed' after updating firmware, do not turn off the power of the device until the indicators on the front panel have stopped blinking.
  • In the unlikely case of hardware failure, initialize the replacement device(s), confirm proper ID and DIP switch settings, and then resynchronize from MTX-MRX Editor to the device(s).
  • When entering text into a text field inside a dialog box of MTX-MRX Editor using Input Method Editors, such as Microsoft IME, ensure that the mouse pointer is not clicked over another area of the open dialog window before converting and applying the text. This will cause the keyboard input to stop. Should this happen, close and re-open the dialog box.
  • Do not enter the following characters in text fields in the MTX-MRX Editor.
    & < > “ ‘ / $’ \n (line feed) \t (tab)
    These characters may disappear or change into unexpected characters.
  • When the project file created by MTX Editor V1.1.x is opened with MTX-MRX Editor or MTX Editor V1.1.x or later, [Play] selected by "SD Song Select & Play" in the “Preset” dialog, is changed to [No Assign]. In this case, manually change [No Assign] for all necessary Presets to [Play].
  • Do not use the EEE function (*) of network switches in a Dante network. Although power management should be negotiated automatically in switches that support EEE, some switches do not perform the negotiation properly. This may cause EEE to be enabled in Dante networks when it is not appropriate, resulting in poor synchronization performance and occasional dropouts. Therefore we strongly recommend that:
  1. If you use managed switches, ensure that they allow EEE to be disabled. Make sure that EEE is disabled on all ports used for real-time Dante traffic.
  2. If you use unmanaged switches, make sure to not use network switches that support the EEE function, since EEE operation cannot be disabled in these switches.
  • *EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) is a technology that reduces switch power consumption during periods of low network traffic. It is also known as Green Ethernet and IEEE802.3az.
  • When the MTX-MRX Editor changes Dante patch settings for large numbers of devices, it may take several minutes after synchronization is shown to be complete (in MTX-MRX Editor) for the patch to be established and audio to be heard.

This zip file includes the following software

  • MTX-MRX Editor V4.0.1
  • MTX3 Firmware V4.00
  • MTX5-D Firmware V4.00
  • MRX7-D Firmware V4.00
  • EXi8 Firmware V4.00
  • EXo8 Firmware V4.00
  • XMV series Firmware V4.00
  • MCP1 Firmware V4.00
  • PGM1 Firmware V4.00
  • Dante Firmware Update Manager V3.10.6.2
  • MTX5-D Dante Firmware V4.0.9.1-
  • MRX7-D Dante Firmware V4.0.9.1-
  • XMV series Dante Firmware V4.0.9.1-
  • PGM1 Dante Firmware V3.10.4.1-

NOTES: Please unzip the zip file before running the installer.

Caution after updating

When using Dante Firmware of a version earlier than V3.8.0.24 - - 1.2.2, and Dante Latency is set to less than 1 msec, if the Dante Firmware is updated, the sound may be distorted. Please carry out one of the following after updating Dante Firmware.

  • Initialize the devices.
  • Perform [Clear Config] in the "Device Config" tab of the "Device View" window of Dante Controller.
  • Reset after changing [Latency] into another value once from the "Dante Information" dialog box of MTX-MRX Editor.
  • Reset after changing [Latency] into another value once from the "Device Config" tab of the "Device View" window of Dante Controller.

If "Unsupported" is displayed while updating the Dante firmware and the update can not be performed, please update once to the Dante Transition Firmware (MTX/MRX/XMV) listed in the Related Downloads and then update to the desired version of Dante firmware again.

MTX-MRX Editor / Firmware / Wireless DCP / ProVisionaire Touch / Tio1608-D / R Series (Rio/Ri/Ro) Compatibilities (Win)

Please make sure to use the appropriate versions of firmware and software, referring to the following compatibility charts. Using an unsupported combination may result in malfunction.

Compatibility List

MTX-MRX Editor V4.0.1

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed a problem in which the recall filter setting of the "Preset" dialog were not correctly reflected in MTX-MRX Editor when either [From Device] in the "Synchronization" dialog or "Go online – From devices" were executed.
  • Fixed a problem in which audio playback would not function if a multi-byte folder name or file name were added to [SD Song Select & Play] in the "MCP1" dialog or to [SD Message] in the "PGM1/PGX1" dialog.
  • Fixed a problem in which, when multiple "Source Selector" components were placed in the "MRX Designer" window of MRX7-D, the “Source Selector” components would not be correctly displayed in the [COMPONENT] list of the [Source Select] tab, when using the “Digital Control Panel" dialog.
  • Fixed some other minor problems.

MRX7-D V4.00 / MTX5-D V4.00 / MTX3 V4.00 / XMV V4.00 / EXi8 V4.00 / EXo8 V4.00 / PGM1/PGX1 V4.00 / MCP1 V4.00

  • No change in this version; however, the firmware version number is updated to match other devices.

Known issues

  • If the Device Latency was set to 2 msec or 5 msec by the Dante Controller, the MTX-MRX Editor would display the setting as 1 msec. Confirm the correct latency value on the Dante Controller.
  • After assigning an External Event to the switch of MCP1, if you downgrade the MCP1 firmware to V3.41 or earlier, you cannot change the screen of the MCP1.
    When downgrading, reconfigure the MCP1 using an MTX-MRX Editor that is compatible with the firmware.


  • The Dante model devices of MTX/MRX system uses Dante BrooklynII or Dante Ultimo.
    Refer to the Audinate website (English) for details on the open‐source licenses for the particular software.
  • When a Dante Domain Manager server (DDM server) is connected, the latency can be set to 10.0ms, 20.0ms, or 40.0ms. Use Dante Controller to set it. The MTX-MRX Editor does not support these settings.
  • The names of XMV series models that support Dante are displayed as “XMVxxxx-D” in the DDM.
  • In the Dante model, Dante Device Labels can be changed arbitrarily and permanently. These changes can be made from the Dante Controller software.
    However, since the five initial characters are used for device identification (decided by UNIT ID), they should not be changed. The 6th character and subsequent ones can be changed arbitrarily.
    Moreover, the following rules concerning Dante Device Labels are common to all Dante devices (and not just this one):
    • Conventional characters (alphabetical uppercase or lowercase), numerals, or hyphens (-) can be used.
    • A maximum of 31 characters can be entered.
  • When you change the frequency of a clock source supplied externally, also make sure to change the Dante word clock setting using MTX-MRX Editor or Dante Controller.
    When you change a setting by MTX-MRX Editor, choose System Word Clock Fs appropriately in the "Word Clock" dialog box of MTX-MRX Editor, and synchronize by "To Device."
    When you change a setting by Dante Controller, please refer to the help function or user's guide of Dante Controller.
    Keep in mind that the entire system may be affected by the settings in a single part. Major problems can occur when a device not intended to be a part of the system is set to a word clock setting that the other Dante devices do not support.
  • When using the AES67 mode and/or Device Lock of Dante, we recommend that you checkmark the [Preserve the settings of Dante Controller] check box in the MTX-MRX Editor.
  • When Tio1608-D (Firmware V1.03-2 or earlier) is included in an MTX/MRX system, Tio1608-D cannot carry out concurrent connection of CL, QL, TF, and MTX-MRX Editor.
    Moreover, when Tio1608-D and/or R series (AD/DA) (Firmware V4.50 or earlier) are included in an MTX/MRX system, MTX-MRX Editor and R-Remote cannot carry out concurrent connection.
OS Windows 10 (32bit/64bit)
CPU Core i3/5 or better
Memory 4GB or more
HDD 230 MB or more free (When you install, need 480 MB or more free.)
Display 1024 x 768 pixels or higher
Other Bonjour must be installed, Ethernet(1000BASE-T or higher)

*You can download Bonjour for Windows from Apple's Bonjour support page


使用此軟體前,請仔細閱讀軟體授權協議(「協議」)。您僅可依據此協議的條款和條件使用此軟體。此為您(個人或法律實體)和 YAMAHA CORPORATION(「YAMAHA」)間簽署的協議。 



Yamaha 特此授予您依據隨附條款和條件,在您擁有或管理的電腦、樂器或設備上使用程式和隨附此協議並構成軟體一部分的資料檔案,以及未來可能提供您進行軟體升級的任何程式和檔案(統稱「軟體」)的權利。雖然儲存軟體的所有權為您所有,但該軟體本身屬於 Yamaha 和/或 Yamaha 的授權方所有,並受相關版權法和所有適用法規的保護。


  • 您不得 從事反向工程、反彙編、反編譯或以任何方式取得軟體任何形式的程式碼。
  • 您不得 重製、修改、變更、租賃、出租或散布完整或部分軟體,以製作軟體的衍生品。
  • 您不得 以電子方式,從一台電腦傳輸軟體至另一台電腦,或在網路上與其他電腦共用軟體。
  • 您不得 使用軟體,散布非法資料或違反公共政策的資料。
  • 在未取得 Yamaha Corporation 的同意時,您不得依據軟體的使用,啟動服務。

透過軟體方式取得的版權保護資料,包含但不限於樂曲 MIDI 資料,有您必須遵守的以下限制條款。

  • 在未取得版權所有人的同意時,不得將透過軟體方式接收的資料作為商業用途使用。
  • 在未取得版權所有人的同意時,不得複製、傳輸或散布或為公開聽眾播放或表演透過軟體方式接收的資料。
  • 在未取得版權所有人的同意時,不得移除透過軟體方式接收資料的加密,且不得修改電子浮水印。


如果違反版權法或此協議條款,協議將自動立即終止,Yamaha 恕不通知。如果以此方式終止,您必須立即銷毀授權的軟體、隨附的書面文件和所有副本。


如果您認為下載流程有問題,可聯絡 Yamaha,Yamaha 可允許您重新下載該軟體,前提是您需先銷毀透過先前下載嘗試取得的軟體的任何副本或部分副本。重新下載的許可不得以任何方式限制以下第 5 節所述保固聲明。


您明示已同意自負使用軟體的風險。軟體和相關文件以「原狀」提供,且無任何保固。儘管本協議另行規定,YAMAHA 明示放棄軟體的所有明示和暗示保固,包括但不限於對適銷性、特定用途的適用性和不侵犯第三方權利的暗示保固。特別是,但不限制上述規定,YAMAHA 不保證軟體滿足您的要求、軟體的操作不會中斷或沒有錯誤或軟體的缺失得以修正。


YAMAHA 的全部義務是根據以下條款允許使用本軟體。在任何情況下,對您或任何其他人遭受的任何損害,包括但不限於任何直接、間接、偶然或間接損害、費用、利潤損失、資料遺失或其他因使用而造成的損害、誤用或無法使用該軟體,即使 YAMAHA 或授權經銷商已被告知此類損害的可能性,YAMAHA 概不負責。在任何情況下,Yamaha 對您的所有損害、損失和訴訟原因(無論是合約、侵權或其他方式)的全部責任均不超過為該軟體支付的金額。


此軟體隨附第三方軟體和資料(「第三方軟體」)。如果軟體隨附的書面材料或電子資料中,Yamaha 將任何軟體和資料標示為第三方軟體,則您確認並同意您必須遵守第三方軟體隨附的任何協議條款以及提供第三方軟體的一方,對與第三方軟體相關或由第三方軟體衍生的任何保證或責任負責。因第三方軟體或使用,Yamaha 概不以任何方式負責。

  • Yamaha 不提供第三方軟體的明示保固。此外,對於第三方軟體,YAMAHA 明示放棄所有暗示保固,包括但不限於對適銷性和特定用途的適用性的暗示保固。
  • Yamaha 不應提供您第三方軟體的相關服務或維護。
  • 對您或任何其他人的任何損害,包括但不限於因使用、誤用或無法使用第三方軟體而導致的任何直接、間接、偶然或後果性損害、費用、利潤損失、資料遺失或其他損害,對您或任何其他人,Yamaha 概不負責。


該軟體是「商業項目」,該術語的定義可見 48 C.F.R. 2.101(1995 年 10 月),由「商業電腦軟體」和「商業電腦軟體文件」組成,這些術語在 48 C.F.R. 12.212 使用(1995 年 9 月)。與 48 C.F.R.一致的 12.212 和 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 至 227.72024(1995 年 6 月),所有美國政府最終使用者均應僅以此處規定的權利取得本軟體。




本協議構成雙方間有關軟體使用和任何隨附書面材料的完整協議,並取代所有先前或同時就本協議達成的書面或口頭理解或協議。除非經 Yamaha 的完全授權代表書面簽字,否則本協議的任何修訂或修正均不具有約束力。